Well, the compiler looks almost done; a ntl file in, a .net assembly out. I'm sure there will be a few bugs to iron out, but it conforts me to just think I'm not too far from its release.
The next step will be releasing an editor for the language; for now, I think I'm going to use Roger Alsing's Syntaxbox and some other stuff found in the net.
Another aspect worth discussing is that the Entity System will work on its own thread, and it will communicate with the main thread via the so-called "action gateway". Every action sent to the ES is queued and executed serially; the inverse is alike, however the main thread has to take care of serializing the actions the ES has sent and execute them after whatever comes first (usually rendering and physics update).
Now, in my mind this looks like a good plan, but I know it's bound to change somehow. I can't wait to have some working results to show.
Good weekend, Raine out (nerdish goodbye).
Part 4 is here.
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